Hello, Telephone?
I just thought of something funny. Remember when we were studying Astronomy in school... and we find it booooring. But then, when you're out of the classroom and meet an Astronomer, you ask all these weird questions and are so interested with it. Just a thought.
Time for funny inventions. This baby here is really quite funny... and cute. It's an attachment for your cellphone. It's a replica of the Western Electric 500 series model, which was a classic phone handset for some decades. Couple this handset with your SonyEricsson 'old phone' ring and you'll be confusing people a whole lot more! Just slip your cellphone into your pants' pocket and when that old phone ring is heard, use this retro handset attachment and people would be wondering where the hell the thing is attached to! ehehehe!
One use of this is for those long night on the cellphone... while at home. You'll get this feeling of using conventional phones... which is more comfortable. :)