Monday, April 03, 2006

Krrr Kkkk Rrrrrr Kkkk Krrrr!

The title was supposed to be a representation of the sound the Transformers make when they transform. It sounded like this weird electronic sound that is quite difficult to reproduce with the human voice. Amazing and unique. I even have a ringtone of it in my phone! They should use that same sound in the upcoming movie. In case you didn't know, they are making a live action movie of the Transformers. Steven Speilberg is executive producing. Turns out that Steven here loves the transformers since the 80's. Claiming that he's been buying Transformers (TF) toys for himself and not for his kids. I don't know if that's true, it might just be a gimmick to get into the hearts of fans. In any case, it's all a plus for fans. Michael Bay is directing the movie. Some of his past works were The Island and Armageddon. This should be a great hit as Dreamworks is releasing it as their biggest movie for the year 2007. The date was put at June 4, 2007... America's independence day. That tells you that they really want this to be a hit.

A debate is going on around the online community about the voices of the characters. Fans would kill to get the original voice of Optimus Prime. But there is fear that Holywood would hire famous actors like George Clooney (please!) to lead the voice cast. It's quite understandable as films are investments and they are only making sure that their going to make a ton of profit in the end... but there should also be passion for what you're making. It's not just always about the money... let's not forget that films are also an art... which are also close to a lot of fans' hearts--- in this instance, Transformers fans.

Tomorrow, let's talk about Optimus Prime.


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