Sunday, August 21, 2005


Man, I just ripped these new CDs from James Blunt and Jack Johnson... and I haven't heard about them until seeing the CDs from an officemate's desk. So I told him that I'll borrow 'em so that I could rip 'em. I have no idea what the singers are like and what their songs are... but there's just this urge to rip brand new CDs... ehehehe. And boy... I'm loving these guys!! Their songs are nice and relaxing. Mainly acoustic guitars. Kinda like that MTV dude John Mayer (don't know about the spelling). Really cool.

Holy Lost World, Batman!!! I just left my phone in the bus!!! ARRRRGGHHH!! My Treo650... lost... well, I left it in our company bus... so there's a big chance that it's still gonna be there tomorrow morning when it picks me up for work. Sigh. I might sell it and get a cheaper phone instead. I'm too forgetful to carry phones like the Treo. Damn it!


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