Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Old Times.

This shot is one of my old works. It's probably my favorite. I shot this back in 2002. During the peak of my photography career. From here... it just went downhill. Ahhahaha! This was shot on a drizzling night in December. As you can see, the sky at the back of the Main Building (UST) looks pinkish. A nightshot. No effect or Photoshop was applied on this picture (except for the writings on the top right corner). It really looks like sepia toned eventhough no color effects were applied. I actually had this printed for the second time because the 'ke gaw' developer adjusted the hue to make it appear... well... ordinary. As you can see, the letters printed on the trash bins on the left side, says 'UST.' Those blurred individuals walking towards the camera (below-center) is Mike and Ken. I told them to walk during the shot to give the picture movement. Oh, yeah, this picture was shot on a Kodak 100 film. No digital cameras back then... or at least, I still couldn't afford one. :)

Aah, that good ol' days of film. Every shot was a surprise. There are certain things shooting with film gives you that digital just can't provide. Hopefullness (while the shot was just taken), Anticipation (while the film is being developed), Excitement (while you are getting your developed film)... and lastly... Satisfaction (if you got the shot right). But there's also one feeling that you can get from film that you would not get from digital--- and that is Disappointment. Ahahah. I wasted a ton of money on film just so I could see the wrong shots! Well, those days are over for me. Digital could actually save me money. Hooorah!


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