Saturday, August 27, 2005

Zerox Me.

Cloning is going to be a part of life in the near future. There are so many advantages to cloning in the medical field that it just can't be ignored. If you have seen The Island, you'll see its endless benefits! But what about ethics? What about God?

If human cloning is possible, does that mean we have no spirit? Spirits are supposed to be unique for each individual... and cloning is an exact copy of an individual, therefore, if he is cloned, then that clone would be an exact copy of him... but does that mean he has a different spirit? We'll find that out soon enough. I heard that they are attempting human cloning in Korea. The only real obstacle to human cloning is the Catholic Church. Cloning and human genetics always dreams of playing god. If humans can finally unlock the mysteries of our genetic code, then we can be considered gods, by some standards.

Imagine having a son/daughter who's perfect. No desease whatsoever. Designed to acquire only the best qualities of both parents. All due to a modification of its genetic code before being developed into a fetus. It all sounds so fictional... but it already can be done. I saw this show on Discovery Channel that talks about genetic engineering. They showed a fly whose genes have been altered to the scientists' specifications. They made the fly grow a leg on it's head. It may sound okay... but what if it's done with humans? A human with 4 arms! Cool... if he studied martial arts, then he'd be the ultimate warrior. eheheh. The UFC would then be more exciting!

The only advantage I see with this kind of genetic engineering is it can get rid of all those dreaded cancers!!!!

Okay, enough nerd talk.


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